Balance available for operating activities

Revenue increased by € 293 million, mainly due to tariff increases for electricity transmission and connection charges. The increase in tariffs is mostly the consequence of higher TenneT purchase cost for transmission and system services as well as changes in the Method Decision following the decision of the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) in 2023. TenneT purchase costs increased by € 185 million due to tariff increases. On the other hand, distribution losses decreased by € 142 million due to lower energy prices.

Revenue can be broken down as follows:

€ Million

1st half year 2024

1st half year 2023


Periodic transmission- and connection fees for electricity

High-volume consumers



Low-volume consumers



Periodic transmission- and connection fees for gas

High-volume consumers



Low-volume consumers



Metering services



Amortised contributions






Total regulated




Income from sale of products and services



Total non-regulated






Revenue increased by 29.3% compared to the first half of 2023. This consists of an increase of 30.2% in regulated revenue and a decrease of 9.1% in non-regulated and other revenue.

The increase in regulated revenue is mainly attributable to a tariff increase of the periodic transmission and connection charges for electricity.

Revenue from transmission and connection fees for electricity increased by 40.6% compared to 2023. The increase is mainly attributable to a tariff increase of 37.6%. 

Revenue from gas transmission and connection fees increased by 1.9% compared to 2023. This increase is mainly attributable to an average tariff increase of 4.6% and a volume decrease of 2.2%.

Regulated revenue from electricity and gas metering services increased by 15.1% compared to 2023. This increase is mainly attributable to an average tariff increase of 15.1%. The ACM has decided that regional grid operators must settle part of the margin on metering services from the past with future tariffs. The grid operators and ACM are discussing the method to determine the exact margin. Due to the higher energy costs for consumers, Enexis decided, in advance of this decision by the ACM, to set the metering service fee in 2023 and 2024 lower than the maximum permitted fee.

Costs of transmission services and distribution losses increased by € 43 million to € 473 million in 2024. € 185 million of this increase is attributable to higher TenneT costs for transmission and system services. This increase is practically completely attributable to tariff increases. 

In addition, the costs for distribution losses decreased by € 142 million. Of this decrease, € 115 million is attributable to electricity (- € 86 million due to price differences as a result of lower energy prices, - € 20 million due to volume differences and - € 9 million other grid losses, for example due to metering errors of third parties). The grid losses in connection with gas transmission decreased by € 27 million. The decrease in the costs for distribution losses for both electricity and gas was caused by the decrease in energy prices compared to the extremely high prices last year.

For more information about Enexis's policy regarding controlling the risks in connection with distribution losses, reference is made to note 31 Financing policy and risks associated with financial instruments in the consolidated financial statements 2023 of Enexis Holding N.V.