Related party disclosures

In the first half of 2024, an amount of € 36 million was paid to shareholders of Enexis Holding N.V. in the form of dividend. 

Enexis has a current account facility with EDSN. In the first half of 2024, three drawdowns took place under this current account facility totaling € 2 million. Repayments totaling € 3 million took place under the current account facility. Of EDSN's funding requirement in 2024 of € 4 million, € 2 million remains available after the above drawdowns which is presented under the off-balance sheet liabilities. As at 30 June 2024, € 6 million of the in total € 11 million outstanding loans to EDSN are presented as current under other financial assets.

Related-party transactions are conducted in the ordinary course of business and at arm’s length rates and conditions.