Our objectives and our performance

Strategic goal[1]


Realisation 1st half year 2024

Target 2024

Realisation 1st half year 2023

Realisation 2023

Always offering everyone access to energy

Technical realised grid capacity[2]

1,020 MW

≥ 2,000 MW

1,250 MW

2,180 MW

Created grid capacity by Flex[3]

89 MW

≥ 500 MW



Annual outage time[4]

21.4 min

≤ 17.5 min

17.7 min

20.0 min

Our customers know what they are getting from us

% Standard connections in accordance with Code[5]


≥ 65%



Quantitative progress year order book[6]

€ 654 mio

≥ € 1,450 mio

€ 556 mio

€ 1,214 mio

Working safely

Lost Time Injury Frequency Enexis[7]


≤ 1



Lost Time Injury Frequency contractors[7]


≤ 2



Reinforce each other

Net increase # FTE scarce technical personnel[8]

65 fte

≥ 200 fte

99 fte

188 fte

Employee Net Promoter Score


≥ 30



Remaining financially sound

Controllable costs and revenues[9]

€ 394 mio

≤ € 731 mio

€ 306 mio

€ 617 mio

  • 1With regard to the strategic objectives 'We aim for optimal choices for society' and 'Making a sustainable impact', periodic monitoring takes place by means of measuring stakeholders' perception of Enexis's reputation and by means of measuring CO2 emissions, respectively. These strategic objectives are not included in the table.
  • 2The KPI measures the new HV/MV transformers realised by Enexis irrespective whether these have been connected by TenneT. The replacement of old transformers is not deducted from the score of this KPI.
  • 3Newly added as of 2024. This KPI relates to a more efficient grid usage due to, for example, applying flex solutions. 
  • 4Annual outage time in the columns 1st half year 2024 / 1st half year 2023 is represented as a 12 month moving average as of June 30. In the first half year of 2024 the outage time is 12.8 minutes. In the same period last year this was 11.2 minutes. 
  • 5Newly added as of 2024. This KPI relates to the total Standard connections within 12, 18 or 52 weeks, as required by ACM.
  • 6Gross investments and operating activities on the electricity and gas grids plus activities related to smart meters based on standard prices. The KPI relates to the 'work package' and includes, among other things, pulling and strengthening cables and pipes, expanding electrical grid capacity by installing transformers, carrying out maintenance, solving interruption and carrying out replacement work.
  • 7Indicator for employee safety during the performance of work expressed in the number of accidents resulting in absenteeism per 1 million hours worked.
  • 8From 2024 onwards, the definition has been amended. As from 2024, only the net inflow is measured instead of the gross inflow as in 2023. The target and realisation 2023 are calculated in accordance with the new definition of 2024.
  • 9From 2024 onwards, the definition has been amended. Amortisation of leases in connection with IFRS 16 will be included in the CCR, which are presented as depreciation in the Consolidated Income Statement. The CCR concerns the sum of the controllable costs and revenues from regulated activities (Enexis
    Netbeheer, including staff departments). 

Safety always has the highest priority for us. We want everyone to return home from work safely every day. Our target for our LTIF (Lost Time Injury Frequency) score is therefore ambitious with no more than 1 injury per million hours worked. Enexis is working on progressing from step 3 ‘calculating’ to step 4 ‘proactive’ of the five Safety Culture Ladder steps. The change in culture that has been initiated to achieve this, had led to a decrease in the number of accidents.

We are faced with the task of realising an unprecedentedly large work package. The work package includes investments in our electricity and gas networks and their maintenance. Over the first half of 2024, we realised an 18 percent larger work package than in the same period last year (+ € 98 million). The growth of the work package and of our organisation leads to higher costs. We aim to limit the increase in costs by working efficiently. Growing customer demand requires further upscaling. Therefore, we are focussing on recruiting and training new technical colleagues, working more efficiently, and outsourcing increasingly large work packages to contractors. This is not easy as we are being confronted with labour market shortages. This not only affects us, the contractors that we work with are having the same problem. We were able to welcome new technical colleagues for a total of 65 FTEs. Unfortunately, this is less than our target for the recruitment of new technical personnel.

Our customers can count on a reliable energy grid. Nevertheless, a number of incidents resulted in a higher average annual outage time of 21.4 minutes. This was caused by a number of incidents with a long outage time and an increase in voltage complaints in the low-voltage grid, also due to the strong increase in solar panels among households. We are working on the maximum expansion of our grid capacity to connect as many customers as possible. To this end, we are coordinating the work that we have to carry out with TenneT, so that our stations are ready to be taken into use when TenneT has completed its expansions, in order to connect customers directly to the grid. In the first half of the year, we built additional grid capacity of in total 1,020 megawatt. Besides expanding the grid capacity, we also want to make better use of the existing grid via innovative products for our customers. We succeeded in concluding our first flex contracts. Customers are increasingly realising that by making use of flex contracts they will be able to obtain a connection earlier and they can contribute to solving the grid congestion problem. Regrettably, our waiting lists[1] are still getting longer due to the growing demand. Nevertheless, in the first half of 2024, we succeeded in connecting 71 percent of the customers with a standard connections within the guidelines of the ACM. 

In the second half of 2024 as well, our focus will be on carrying out the enormous work package. We are aware that, despite our efforts, we are not able to connect everyone. We are transparent about this towards our customers. That we are not able to connect customers timely can have financial consequences. We cannot estimate the potential consequences with certainty.