Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

With the work that we do, we contribute to achieving the SDGs of the United Nations. Our focus lies on affordable and clean energy (SDG 7) and industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9).

The SDGs consist of seventeen goals and 169 sub-goals that must ensure that the world is ‘a better place’ in 2023. They form part of the 2030 Agenda that the United Nations launched in 2015 to put an end to poverty, inequality, and climate change.

We regard sustainable development as one of the major challenges of our time. Therefore, with our work and our ambitions, we wish to contribute directly to the SDGs.

We contribute to six SDGs

Our strategy is based on our core activities. It is aimed at ensuring that the energy supply remains safe and reliable, that we connect customers as quickly as possible, and that we build the energy system of the future. With this, we contribute directly to achieving SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) and SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure). Our corporate social responsibility policy (CSR) is also aligned with our core activities and thus contributes to achieving these SDGs. We will discuss Enexis's CSR policy in more detail in section Making sustainable impact.

Besides these two ‘focus SDGs’, there are four other SDGs that we contribute to with our business operations. These are SDG 4 (quality education), 8 (decent work and economic growth), 12 (responsible consumption and production), and 13 (climate action). With regard to the other SDGs, we adhere to a no significant harm principle: we aim to cause no harm.

In the illustration, the size of the circles indicates the size of the (positive or negative) impact.

The Environmental, Social and Governance topics (ESG) in the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) are an alternative categorisation to compare our contribution. We will use this categorisation in the future.