Our stakeholder dialogue and our material topics

We designate the topics that our stakeholders consider important and which we have a large impact on as material topics. 

The last time that we determined these topics was in 2021 and they form the input for this reporting year. In preparation for the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive in 2024, we reviewed our material topics in 2023. In addition, we also started working on the double materiality assessment.

Our stakeholder dialogue

Stakeholders are external and internal parties with whom Enexis is in contact regularly. We have divided these stakeholders into eight groups (see overview). We discuss topical issues and longer-term developments in society with these parties such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and our contribution to these goals. These dialogues focused mainly on topics that pertain to our daily work: affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), and industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9).

Below, we provide a list of important topics of discussion in the stakeholder overview. (Please note: this is not an exhaustive list). We have formulated the most important topics in the form of material topics.

Our collaborations

It is essential that we work together in order to realise the energy transition. For example, in 2023, we worked together with provinces, industrial companies, and universities on innovative scalable solutions that benefit all of the parties. We are also combining forces within the energy sector to increase our social impact. We are members of, for example, Netbeheer Nederland, MVO Nederland, Dutch Power, Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie (NVDE), European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO), KVGN, Groene Netten and GD4S (Gas Distributors For Sustainability), employers’ organisation WENB (for companies in the sectors energy, telecom, recycling and the environment), Energie Data Services Nederland (EDSN), Marktfaciliteringsforum (MFF) and the Beheerder Afsprakenstelsel (BAS).

Determining our material topics

In our annual reports, we provide an account of our performance on topics that are relevant to our stakeholders and on which Enexis has a large economic, environmental and/or social impact. We refer to these topics as our material topics.

Every four years, we conduct an extensive stakeholder dialogue to determine the material topics. We do this each time before drafting a new strategic plan. The materiality matrix was revised in 2021 as preparation for our current strategic plan. This resulted in the topics and materiality matrix below.

Definitions of material topics

Reliable and accessible energy supply

The degree in which everyone has access to a reliable energy grid.

Safe energy grid

The degree in which customers can rest assured that the energy infrastructure is safe.

Sustainable energy supply

The degree in which investments are made in the energy infrastructure to realise the energy transition.

Affordable energy supply

The degree in which the energy grid is installed and managed at acceptable costs for society.

Customer-oriented services

The degree in which the customer's wishes and customer satisfaction form the point of departure for the service level and clear communication in the customer processes. This also includes environment management of infrastructure and other projects with regard to citizens and businesses.

Effective market facilitation

The degree in which market facilitation processes are carried out timely and flawlessly (available energy data) for a well-functioning energy market.

Safe and healthy working environment

The degree in which employees work in safe labour conditions. This also includes attention and care for the well-being and vitality of employees.

Employment and skilled employees

The degree in which employment is provided (also indirectly at suppliers and contractors) and in which we invest in the skills and personal development of employees.

Efficient business operations

The degree in which business operations are organised cost-efficiently (for example, by means of digitalisation and active collaboration with chain partners and market parties).

Influencing policy

The degree in which knowledge, expertise, and vision are contributed to arrive at behaviour, feasible plans, and suitable laws and regulations for the realisation of the energy transition.

Financially sound

The degree in which investments can be financed from a short- and long-term perspective.

Information security

The degree in which data transport, data storage, systems, and privacy-sensitive information are safeguarded by means of data security, privacy, and cybersecurity.

In this annual report, we report extensively about the top five material topics, as determined for 2021 and that therefore still applied for 2023. In our connectivity table in section About Enexis, we show how these topics, the strategics risks and opportunities, and our objectives and results are reflected in our contribution to the SDGs. Although CO2 emissions and circularity of our business operations are not included in the top 5, we do report on this, in the section Making a sustainable impact.

We validated our material topics in 2023 as preparation for the double materiality assessment that is required as from 2024 by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), a new European directive for reporting on the environmental and social impact of business activities. It is clear from this validation that the material topics determined in 2021 are still relevant and are viewed as material by our stakeholders. The outcome of the 2023 validation can still change following the double materiality assessment in 2024. 

You can read about the outcome of this materiality assessment in 2023 in the section About this report.