52. Related party disclosures

Transactions with related parties are conducted at arm's length prices and conditions. Year-end receivables and payables are usually settled in cash. No guarantees were received or issued in connection with assets and liabilities of related parties. The adjustment for doubtful debts was zero.

Shareholders’ loans provided by the shareholders amounted to € 500 million at year-end 2023 (2022: € 500 million). Interest payments on the shareholders’ loans amounted to € 10 million in 2023 (2022: € 10 million). Dividend payments to shareholders amounted to € 193 million (2022: € 100 million).

Loans provided to group companies at year-end 2023 amounted to € 3,035 million (2022: € 2,525 million). The interest received on loans provided to group companies amounted to € 24 (2022: € 34). Loans provided to associates at year-end 2023 amounted to € 11 million (2022: € 17 million).